Simple Clean Popup Box In Vanilla JavaScript

Creativa - Popup This is a simple library that allows you to create awesome popups importing just one JavaScript file.

Getting started

You can import the JS file in two ways:

  1. Using the HTTPS link to the file:
  2. With offline file. If you want to use the offline file just download the archive, import the creativa-popup.js file in your project and use it into your HTML.

Where is the CSS?

The CSS will be automatically included from the creativa-popup.js file inside the HTML head. If this not happens or you want to use it locally, just import and use the CSS file too.


Everything aspect of the popup is customizable.


The popup will adapt to every screen.

Multiple popups

You can open multiple popups one over another.

Tested browsers

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari

It doesn’t work with the old Internet Explorer.


You can download the archive from GitHub and try the example.html file. Or you can go here:

Slow loading icons and CSS

The reason why the icons are loading too slow is that they are loaded from an external CDN. You can open the JavaScript file and replace that CDN link with your own local folder and put the icons inside it, so they will be loaded from your local storage. The same thing has to be done for the CSS file.


popup('title', 'text', 'icon', 'image', options);

  • Title

This is a simple string that defines the title for the popup.

  • Text

Here you can write the text that will be shown inside the popup. You can use HTML too.

  • Icon

This parameter defines the popup icon that will be on top of the box. You can use default icons:

  • info
  • success
  • error

…or you can put your own URL (or local path) to the image of the icon (png, jpg, gif).

  • Image

Here you can write the URL of an image that will be shown inside the popup.

  • Options

This is an object where you can specify other parameters to personalize the popup.

  • Content: you can put a string that specify custom content for the poup (such as HTML, or other text) that will be shown under the text. In order to use this parameter you have to specify another parameter: isPage: this is a boolean that says if the content is text content or it is an URL to another page that will be loaded as content inside the popup.
// Including text content
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { content: '<button>Test</button>', isPage: false }

// Including content from another page
// This function might not work with Safari Browser due to Cross Origin problem; try to use HTTPS.
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { content: 'another-page.html', isPage: true }

  • Unclosable popup: you can specify this parameter to avoid the popup to close.
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { isBlocked: true }

  • Open/close animations: the default open/close animation for the popup is the fade but you can set other default animations:
    • bubble
    • card-left
    • card-right
    • card-bottom
    • card-top
    • newspaper
    • unfold
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { openAnimation: 'card-left', closeAnimation: 'card-right' }

… or you can create your own animation inside your CSS file. Just give a name to the animation an then add -ct-popup-animation-open or -ct-popup-animation-close at the end of the class name. For example, if my animation is called dragon I’ll create the CSS animations with these names: dragon-ct-popup-animation-open and dragon-ct-popup-animation-close and inside the popup function I’ll set the dragon string.

  • Custom speed animation: you can change the open/close speed animation by setting the time in milliseconds. The default value is 150.
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { openAnimation: 'card-left', closeAnimation: 'card-right', animationSpeed: 400 }

  • Custom size: you can use different width and height for the popup.
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { width: '300px', height: '400px' }

This is CSS so you can use every type of unit of measure (px, %, em ecc…).

  • Positioning: you can set the position of the popup (top, bottom).
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { position: 'top' }
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { position: 'bottom' }

  • Background color: you can set the background color using HEX, RGB, RGBA codes.
// Red background using HEX code
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { bgColor: '#ff0000' }

// Red opaque background using HEX code with alpha
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { bgColor: '#ff000055' }

// Red background using RGB code.
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { bgColor: 'rgb(255, 0, 0)' }

// Red opaque background using RGBA code.
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { bgColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4)' }

  • Title/text color: you can set the title and text color using HEX, RGB, RGBA codes.
// Red title and text using HEX code
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { titleColor: '#ff0000', textColor: '#ff0000' }

// Red opaque title and text using HEX code with alpha
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { titleColor: '#ff000055', textColor: '#ff000055' }

// Red title and text using RGB code.
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { titleColor: 'rgb(255, 0, 0)', textColor: 'rgb(255, 255, 0)' }

// Red opaque title and text using RGBA code.
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { titleColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4)', textColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.4)' }

  • Border radius: you can change the popup border radius by adding a simple option.
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { borderRadius: '20px' }

  • Custom font: you can change the font for the popup box.
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { fontFamily: 'Times New Roman' }

  • Close button: by default the popup has a red close button on the top right, but you can hide it.
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { closeButton: false }

  • No Background: you can remove the backgrdoun panel with this simple option.
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { noBackground: true }

  • Timer: you can set a timer (in seconds) and the popup will close in that time.
popup('Title', 'Text', 'icon', 'image', { timer: 3 }


Of course you can use every option you want and mix them together.

Download Details:

Author: molloeduardo



Simple Clean Popup Box In Vanilla JavaScript
14.70 GEEK