In a previous article, we discussed the basics of fuzzy sets and fuzzy inferencing. The report also illustrated the construction of a possible control application using a fuzzy inferencing method. In this article, we will build a multi-input/multi-output fuzzy inference system using the Python programming language. It is assumed that the reader has a clear understanding of fuzzy inferencing and has read the article mentioned previously.
All the code listed in this article is available on Github.
The diagram below illustrates the structure of the application. The design is based on several considerations on Fuzzy Inference Systems, some being:
if {antecedent clauses} then {consequent clauses}
Therefore a rule will contain several clauses of antecedent type and some clauses of consequent type. Clauses will be of the form:
{variable name} is {set name}
We will discuss some implementation details of the classes developed for this system in the following sections:
#python #fuzzy inference system