While working with expressions in templates, pipes helped a lot to ease the effort to manipulate data.

Pipe is an object that interlinks two different points, and delivers an output in a desired manner.

Similarly in Angular,  Pipes consume an input value and emits a possibly desired output (formatting the input) as a result.

I pretty much had a bad practice of using functions within the angular templates in order to fetch details or resolving values. And it took me a while to understand that using functions in the templates are bad for performance.

Then I started leveraging the power of a weapon that angular provides us to transform values.

We have many a  predefined set of pipes that angular provides and it is indeed very easy to build a custom pipe to format your result set.

For any formatted output, we tend to write functions in the templates in order to compute any value.

#angular #angular-pipe

When I realized the magic of Angular Pipes
11.05 GEEK