Design a simple authentication system that allows services to identify clients. Clients should be able to register their identity, log-in with their identity, & end active sessions.

Table of Contents:
0:00 - Introduction
1:08 - HTTP → Stateless
2:10 - Visit
2:29 - Continuing On
3:49 - Sessions
5:35 - Authenticating Requests
7:21 - Session Token Storage: Cookies
8:16 - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
8:54 - Local Storage
9:37 - Architectural Concerns
10:44 - Decentralized Auth
11:48 - JSON Web Tokens
14:17 - Token Lifetime
15:18 - Recap
16:47 - Visit Us at

- [Stateless Protocols](
- [JSON Web Tokens]( 



Design a Simple Authentication System | System Design Interview Prep
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