Digital Clock
- Create a Digital Clock using React using class Date.
- When Digital Clock is mounted a Digital Clock should update the state variable time with current Time.
- This Digital Clock should update the time variable regularly at an interval of 1 sec.
- When the component is unmounted then Digital Clock should be terminated to freeUp resources.
Acceptance Criteria
- Use of JavaScript class Date.
- Update Digital Clock in Every second.
- Terminate Digital Clock on unmounting.
- Main div should have class name ‘Clock’.
- Inside main div create a h3 tag element with id ‘time’, and put your time string inside it.
Time Format
- 1:13:53 PM
- HH:MM:SS{space}PM
- HH:MM:SS{space}AM
Download Details:
Author: rutvik-pimple
Source Code:
#react #reactjs #javascript