26 React Native Navigation Libraries

Explore the 26+ best React Native navigation libraries to help you build complex and user-friendly apps. These libraries offer a wide range of features, including support for different navigation patterns, state management, and theming. 

React Native Typescript Template

Template react native typescript project with Redux, Saga, React Navigation .React Native TypeScript Template

"React Native Typescript Template"

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React Router Native Animate Stack

A latest React version react router native animate stack

purpose of this component
React Router Native v5 with your desired customization transition style! It’s design with Animated.View

This package only useable with React Router Native. Use it like a React router native’s Switch

"React Router Native Animate Stack"

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React Native Typescript Starter

A React Native boilerplate project using Typescript and React Navigation

"React Native Typescript Starter"

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React Native Metro Tabs

A react native implementation for guidelines provided by the beautiful Windows Phone (RIP) design guidelines

"React Native Metro Tabs"

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React Native Simple Router

A community maintained router component for React Native .Awesome navigation for your React Native app.

"React Native Simple Router"

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React Native Navigator

A minimal navigator library for React Native

We developed this navigator library at Geekie when developing our first React Native app and getting upset by the transitions of the (now deprecated) Navigator library that shipped with React Native. After evaluating some of the options, we decided that none had the APIs and transitions that would suit our needs.

"React Native Navigator"


  • Screen transitions at 60 fps (uses the Animated API with the native driver option)
  • Built-in support for Android’s back button

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React Navigation Custom Bottom Tab Component

ReactNavigation - TabBarComponent with custom animation https://alimek.github.io/react-navigation-custom-bottom-tab-component/

ReactNavigation - TabBarComponent with custom animation

Providing few solution for Bottom Navigation.


"React Navigation Custom Bottom Tab Component"

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React Navigation Transitions

Custom transitions for react-navigation

"React Navigation Transitions"

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React Native Scrollable Navigation Bar

Rewrote whole Library using React Hooks and TypeScript. Tried using react-native-reanimated, but the performance on Android was too bad. This package provides a set of navigation bars for ScrollViews with different animations.

"React Native Scrollable Navigation Bar"

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React Native Template

A template for react native applications with built-in navigation. Includes a drawer and a bottom-tab navigator, a customizable header component, and a few sample screens.

"React Native Template"

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React Native Navigation Animation

Transition navigation component for React Native https://www.mindinventory.com/

"React Native Navigation Animation"

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React Native Navigation Drawer Layout

React Native library to generate navigation drawer layout.

"React Native Navigation Drawer Layout"

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React Native Easy Router

React Native Easy Router is an easy-to-use and performant screen navigation library for React Native

"React Native Easy Router"

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React Navigation Collapsible

An extension of react-navigation that makes your header collapsible.

"React Navigation Collapsible"

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Redux React Native Wix Navigation V2 With Auth

JavaScript meets mobile. Use your favourite JavaScript library to develop Android and IOS applications. This setup includes react-native-navigation for smooth screen transitions.
The core code of this application was generated automatically by create-opinionated-app.

"Redux React Native Wix Navigation V2 With Auth"

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React Navigation Mobx Helpers

React-Navigation bindings for MobX

"React Navigation Mobx Helpers"

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React Native 3dcube Navigation

3D cube navigation with react native.

"React Native 3dcube Navigation"

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React Native Material Bottom Navigation

a beautiful, customizable and easy-to-use material design bottom navigation for react-native

  • Pure JavaScript. No native dependencies. No linking. No obstacles.
  • Looks beautiful. Stunning and fluid animations. You won’t believe it’s not a native view.
  • Customize it. You can adjust nearly everything to make it fit perfectly to your app.
  • Easy to use. Uses established React patterns for both simple and advanced usage.
  • Pluggable. Includes customizable Tabs and Badges. Not enough? Create and use your own!

"React Native Material Bottom Navigation"

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React Native Devtools Spy

Adds a Spy option to the React Native development menu .Add this package to your react native project to get an extra “Spy” development menu option. Clicking the “Spy” button will turn on extra logs:

"React Native Devtools Spy"

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React Native Tabbar Navigator

A component which builds excellent Navigator(NavigationController) + TabBar(TabBarController) based application, have a good solution for implementing hidesBottomBarWhenPushed in iOS.

"React Native Tabbar Navigator"

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React Router Native Stack

A Stack component for React Router v4 on React Native.
This library is in an alpha state. I am still experimenting with the transitions and animations, and the API will likely evolve and change. I’d love for you to try it out and give feedback so that we can get to a production ready state!

"React Router Native Stack"

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React Native Nav Transition

React Native Nav transition https://exp.host/@catalinmiron/react-native-nav-transition

"React Native Nav Transition"

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React Native Swiper Flatlist

Swiper component implemented with FlatList using Hooks

"React Native Swiper Flatlist"

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React Native Quick Sample

A small and simple example app with navigation, data persistence, listview and animation! https://innfactory.de

"React Native Quick Sample"

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React Native Material Design

React Native UI Components for Material Design http://react-native-material-design.github.io/
React Native components which implement Material Design.

This repository has been heavily developed on top of the mrn project started by @binggg. Improvements include support for the latest React Native versions, many bug fixes, extra components, backward compatibility to Android SDK API 16 and more.

"React Native Material Design"

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React Native Ya Navigator

Yet another RN navigator component
"React Native Ya Navigator"

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React Native Navigation

A complete native navigation solution for React Native .https://wix.github.io/react-native-navigation/

"React Native Navigation"

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26 React Native Navigation Libraries
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