Yet another JavaScript framework. The JavaScript ecosystem is rapidly evolving and with it is the release of several JS frameworks to help developers build and ship faster and robust apps with ease tailored to their needs.

Each JS framework brings its unique super-power to the game. In this post, we will learn about Malina.js, a new JS framework, and the goodies it brings to frontend development.


Malina.js is based on Svelte design. It is extremely lightweight as it produces (on compiling) nothing more than the app’s implementation code. That’s in contrast to many of the more popular frameworks. For example, in Angular, on compilation and bundling, the following files are produced:

vendor.******.js: which contains core Angular functions, classes, APIs.

main.******.js: the app’s implementation code.

polyfills.***.js: the polyfills for legacy browsers support.

styles.****.js: The CSS styling in our app.

Using Malina.js is very easy. It has a Malina CLI tool that enables a fast scaffolding of a Malina.js app.

#nodejs #frontend #web-development #javascript #malina

Getting Started with Malina.js
10.05 GEEK