Planning to write a new application using Rust? Confused with the approach? So this blog is for you. In this blog, we are going to write a simple Rust based Application using Microservices.

Why Microservice?

Using a Microservice approach developers can build an application in a modularised way rather than writing a monolithic way. Which allows enterprises to create software which is more agile and independent. It helps to build an application which is more abstract and more manageable.

Rocket web framework is one of many great tools in rust to make perfect microservices with most abilities which microservice should possess. And to interact with the database in our case ‘Postgres’ we will use Diesel. It is a ORM and query builder designed to reduce boilerplate for database interaction.

#rust #microservice

How to Create Rust based Microservice using Rocket and Diesel
8.50 GEEK