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1.Install Laravel
In First step, We need to get a fresh laravel version application using the below command. So Let’s open the terminal and run the command below.
composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog
2. Configuration .env file
In this step, we will set database credential in .env file
3. Run Migration
We need to do the migration of tables using below command:
php artisan migrate
This command will create tables in our database.
4. Install Yajra Datatable Package in Laravel
composer require yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle
After successfully Install Yajra Datatable Packages, open config/app.php file and add service provider and alias.

After set providers and aliases then publish vendor run by the following command.
php artisan vendor:publish
5. Add Fake Records
We need to add some records in the database. Use the below command for adding fake records in your database.
php artisan tinker
After running the php artisan tinker. Use the below command. This command will add 150 fake records in your database
6. Create Route, Controller & Blade View
Add Route
Now we will add routes in web.php file as like below.
Open routes/web.php file

How to Setup yajra data table in Laravel
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