Is it possible to convert SQLite to MySQL “as is”? NO

Obviously you can export SQLite database to dump file using SQLite .dump command.
sqlite3 sample.db .dump > dump.sql

Then import SQLite dump into the MySQL database.
mysql -p -u root -h test < dump.sql

But actually, you can’t convert data between two heterogeneous databases this way. In the second step, you will be stuck with errors. The reason is differences in grammar between SQLite and MySQL syntax.

Write a Perl/ Python script to migrate SQLite to MySQL? Maybe

Writing a simple script would help with simple databases.
In the most trivial way python code may looks like:

objects = ModelObject.objects.using('sqlite').all()

for obj in objects:'mysql')

But it is not enough in most cases.

To address the challenges of data migration between SQLite and MySQL, check out DBConvert for PostgreSQL and Oracle.

How to convert SQLite to MySQL?
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