Clone do Netflix with React.js

Netflix Clone

This website is a clone of netflix for the purpose of practice and study.

All image rights belong to Netflix.

1st Functionality - Barra do Topo Animation

gradual change of the bar at the top of the site, which is displayed

after doing a slight scroll down


2nd Functionality - Animation of the elements of the Site

Gradually highlighting buttons and images from movies and series. Gradually highlights the images

when hovering over the mouse and gradually returns to the previous position when removing the mouse from the image

buttons and images

3rd Functionality - Animation in the movement of contents

Moving left and right on the content cover,

so you can see more movies / series related to the selected topic.


4th Functionality - Classic Netflix Loading Screen

A loading screen is displayed when entering the site for the first time

or when the page is updated.


🚀 Technologies used

These were the technologies used to produce the site

  • ✔ JavaScript
  • ✔ ReactJs
  • ✔ useEffect
  • ✔ useState
  • ✔ CSS
  • ✔ HTML

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Author: RodrigohtxLiyah

Source Code:

#react #reactjs #javascript

Clone do Netflix with React.js
41.15 GEEK