In previous articles, we learned a lot about launching HTTP servers in Go. But a backend can also make external HTTP requests to remote servers to fetch and post data. In this article, we are going to look into HTTP client APIs provided by the Go.

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This lesson requires the knowledge of JSON encoding/decodingdata streamingfile system, and other essential concepts. I advise you to get read these lessons before proceeding with this tutorial.

Making simple HTTP requests

When a browser sends an HTTP request to a server, it sends a request object that contains data to be sent to the server and some meta-data that describes the nature of the request as well as some session information. When the server receives the request, it can respond with some data and meta-data.

backend (server) can also act as a browser and it too can send HTTP requests to fetch some data from a remote server. However, the mechanism to send a request and handle the response has to be completely manual.

When we send an HTTP request to a remote server in Go and we get a response object in the shape of as a *http.``[Response]( structure.

type Response struct {
    Status     string // e.g. "200 OK"
    StatusCode int    // e.g. 200
    Proto      string // e.g. "HTTP/1.0"
    ProtoMajor int    // e.g. 1
    ProtoMinor int    // e.g. 0

    // response headers
    Header http.Header
    // response body
    Body io.ReadCloser
    // request that was sent to obtain the response
    Request *http.Request

To make an HTTP request, we need a *http.``[Client]( struct object. However, Go provides a global *Client struct through http.``[DefaultClient]( variable. This is a minimal configuration of the Client structure and enough to send HTTP requests. We will learn how to customize the Client structure later.

var DefaultClient = &http.Client{}

The *http.Client provides some methods to send some simple HTTP requests. The http package exposes some functions that call these methods on http.DefaultClient object internally. These are as follows.

http.Get function

The http.``[Get]( function sends a GET request to a remote server. This function internally calls the [Get]( method on the http.DefaultClient client.

func Get(url string) (res *Response, err error)

The url is a fully qualified [URL]( string. If the server responds with a redirect, http.Get follows the redirect URL up to a maximum of 10 redirects. A non-2xx response does not result in an error but we can use res.StatusCode to check if the response code is 4xx or 5xx.

This method returns a non-nil error if the server responds with more than 10 redirects or when the request timeouts or where there is an HTTP protocol error. Any error returned by this method will be of *url.``[Error]( type.

If we look at the field of http.``[Response]( object, the most important fields are StatusCode of int type that indicates the HTTP response status code, the Header field of type http.``[Header]( (derived from the _map_ type) which contains the response headers and Body of io.``[ReadCloser]( interface type that contains the raw response body.

When the error is nil, the response a body res.Body always contain non-nil response. Let’s make a sample request to fetch some JSON from a mock data website. You can visit this website to look at some public mock APIs.

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Making external HTTP requests in Go
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