This tutorial will show you how to convert a static website that uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript (JS) to a dynamic one using MongoDB, Express, Static HTML, CSS, JS, and Node.js.

Our tech stack will be similar to the popular MEAN/MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular or React, and NodeJS). But instead of using Angular or React, we will use a templating engine called EJS (Embedded JavaScript.)

Other popular templating engines include Handlebars, Pug, and Nunjucks.

Afterwards, we will deploy our Node.js web app to DigitalOcean and cover domain names, SSL, reverse proxies, and process managers.

Learning a templating language can be easier than a JS framework. You can just write HTML, and it lets you insert the same piece of code in multiple locations (called partials) or pass server-side variables to be displayed on the front-end (such as a username).

Table of Contents

  • Developing Your First Node.js Web App
    • Installing Node.js
    • Testing The Install
    • Creating Your First Server
    • Next Steps
    • Templating Basics
    • Passing Server-Side Data to the Front-End
  • Deploying Your First Node.js Web App
    • Setting Up DigitalOcean
    • Connecting To Your Droplet
    • Deploying Your Node.js Web App
    • Configuring Your Domain Name
    • Removing the Port Number From Your URL
    • Running the App on Boot (Setting Up A Process Manager)

#node #html #css #javascript #developer

How to Convert a Static Website to a Dynamic One using MEAN/MERN Stack
11.80 GEEK