Welcome to this course on VueJS Tutorials for Beginners. Vue.JS is a progressive JavaScript Framework for for creating frontend user interfaces.
In this Video tutorial on Vue framework we will create an application from scratch step by step and learn all the fundamentals of Vue.js.
💻Vue JS Crash Course 2021💻
00:00:01​ 1 - Getting started with Vue 3 (2021)
00:10:30​ 2 - DatePicker and TimePicker using Vue 3
00:18:37​ 3 - Components & Props
00:27:58​ 4 - Using Eval() in Vue to design a Calculator App
00:38:05​ 5 - Form Validation in Vue.Js 3
00:51:13​ 6 - Using Axios to Consume APIs in Vue 3
01:05:18​ 7 - Fetch Dynamic Data in Vue 3 and creating a search feature
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