Keep3rb Network is a decentralized keeper network for projects that need external devops and for external teams to find keeper jobs
A Keeper is the term used to refer to an external person and/or team that executes a job. This can be as simplistic as calling a transaction, or as complex as requiring extensive off-chain logic. The scope of Keep3rb network is not to manage these jobs themselves, but to allow contracts to register as jobs for keepers, and keepers to register themselves as available to perform jobs. It is up to the individual keeper to set up their devops and infrastructure and create their own rules based on what transactions they deem profitable.
A Job is the term used to refer to a smart contract that wishes an external entity to perform an action. They would like the action to be performed in “good will” and not have a malicious result. For this reason they register as a job, and keepers can then execute on their contract.
To join as a Keeper you call bond(uint)
on the Keep3rb contract. You do not need to have KPR tokens to join as a Keeper, so you can join with bond(0)
. There is a 3 day bonding delay before you can activate as a Keeper. Once the 3 days have passed, you can call activate()
. Once activated you lastJob
timestamp will be set to the current block timestamp.
A job can be any system that requires external execution, the scope of Keep3rb is not to define or restrict the action taken, but to create an incentive mechanism for all parties involved. There are two cores ways to create a Job;
If you prefer, you can register as a job by simply submitting a proposal via Governance, to include the contract as a job. If governance approves, no further steps are required.
Binance Smart Chain is still a new venture. We had to work our way through many obstacles but for some unavoidable technological limitations #KP3RB first deployment didn’t work out as intended. Later we found out chainlink API was causing it. But we have good news on hand as well,
Our developers has found out the way to make it work and that is through Smart Contract!
Now #KP3RB is paying to keepers for job.
To make this process Live we need to recode and redeploy all contracts.
Needless to say, new #KP3RB is going to be more precious and prices are naturally going to be higher.
We will only conduct 1:1 swap for 1,000+ holders. Rest need to get it swapped from pool.
We will make announcements about swap pool shortly. Bonded keepers will receive 1:1 swap with the new #KP3RB
New #KP3RB contract address: 0x5EA29eEe799aA7cC379FdE5cf370BC24f2Ea7c81
Note- We strongly suggest everyone to UNBOND your tokens from old platform. New platform will be deployed shortly.
Bonding time will be reduced within the new platform.
New bonding time is 24 hours!
🎰 More than 1000 old KP3RB holders send KP3RB: 0xfd8C194CBD61072A1FC87Bf507C545c5fcF4b739
Connect a wallet (KP3RB Holding Wallet). Register the bond with your KP3RB Token.
Your bond activation need 3 days. After 3 days open activate bonds button.
After the bonding period of 3 days you will be able to select activate.
After 3 days complete your activate bonds button is open. Click Activate Bonds.
Select the Jobs from KP3RB Network jobs list.
Your Keep3rb.Network keeper jobs are running. You are a Keep3r BSC.
You can view current available jobs, for now 5 Jobs is available, however more will be added.KP3RB jobs implement a function called work
As a simple keeper, you only need to call work and you will receive KP3RB.For details on registering a job or additional information please visit the documentation.
Would you like to earn KP3RB right now! ☞ CLICK HERE
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