Visual Studio Code has a large amount of functionality built-in, including support for debugging applications. In this article, you will configure VS Code to debug Node.js by downloading the Debugger for Chrome extension, creating a debug configuration, launching a debug configuration, and setting breakpoints.

Step 1 — Creating a Sample App (Optional)

This tutorial will debug an example application called Quick Chat. If you do not have a project to follow along with, you can follow this step to create this application.

Quick Chat test application

You use Git to clone the repo. You can also download the zip file and unzip the contents.

GitHub repository for Quick Chat application

For this tutorial, you will use the code from Part 8 of the project. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with how you would expect the application to work.

Start by navigating to the project directory and then into the part-8 directory:

cd part-8

Next, install the npm packages for the project:

npm install

Then, start the server:

npm start

If you visit in Chrome, you will see a username prompt. After providing a username and clicking the Chat! button, you will be directed to the chat app and see the following:

User joined the chat...

By entering text in the input at the bottom of the window and clicking the Send button, your messages will display in the chat window.

If you open a new browser tab and visit the same URL, you can log in as another user and observe chat messages sent to the chat windows in both browser tabs. This behavior is the expected functionality for this application.

Step 2 — Creating a Breakpoint

Now, let’s create a breakpoint in our app. Breakpoints allow you to pause your code and inspect it.

The Quick Chat application is a Node/Express app that uses to allow users to chat with each other in real-time. We will add a breakpoint where a client connects to our server.

To create a breakpoint in VS Code, click in the gutter, or empty space, to the left of the line numbers.

As shown in the following screenshot, we’ve created a breakpoint (the red circle) inside the function that gets called each time a user gets connected.

A breakpoint in the Quick Chat app in VS Code


// ...
io.on('connection', socket => {
  console.log('a user connected');
  // ...

Regardless of what application you are debugging, set a breakpoint that can be triggered easily, such as when the application loads, a route is triggered, etc.

Step 3 — Using the VS Code Debugging Panel

To open the debug panel, click on the bug icon on the sidebar (on the left side by default). You’ll notice that there are four different sections: variables, watch, call stack, and breakpoints.

Debug panel in VS Code

At the top of the panel, you will see a green play button and a dropdown that says No Configurations if you have yet to create a debug configuration. If you have already created a configuration, you’ll see it listed there.

VS Code stores debug configurations in a file called launch.json inside of a folder called .vscode. VS Code helps us not only create that folder and file but also helps to generate predefined configurations as well. Let’s take a look at creating our first one.

To create your initial launch.json file, click the No Configurations dropdown and choose Add Configuration. From here, ignore the popup and we will get started with creating our first configuration.

Key Components of a Debug Configuration

  • name - The name of the configuration as displayed in the configurations dropdown.
  • request - The type of action that you want to take.
  • type - The type of debugger for the configuration. This type can be Node, Chrome, PHP, etc.

As you create different configurations, VS Code will also provide IntelliSense for other properties that can be defined.

Step 4 — Debugging with Launch Program

This first configuration will launch our Node application in debug mode. Running in debug mode means that VS Code will connect to our app over a specific port for debugging. For this configuration, we need to define the program file that will be run. The configuration looks like this:


  "type": "node",
  "request": "launch",
  "name": "Launch Program",
  "program": "${workspaceFolder}/app.js"

To run this configuration, choose it from the configurations dropdown list, and click the green play button. Your debug action bar will pop up in the top right with step, continue, restart, and stop buttons.

Debug action bar in VS Code

To start a Node application in debug mode going forward, use the --inspect flag.

Step 5 — Debugging with Attach by Process ID

The second configuration we’ll look at is attaching to a Node process by Process ID. This scenario would be relevant for an application that is already running on your local environment.


  "type": "node",
  "request": "attach",
  "name": "Attach by Process ID",
  "processId": "${command:PickProcess}"

For this, we will need to start the Node server ourselves before running the debug configuration. Use the following command to start your server (using --inspect as mentioned earlier) and replace app.js with the name of your server file.

node --inspect app.js

Starting the server in VS Code

With your server started, now you can run your debug configuration. When prompted, choose the Node process that corresponds to the command you just ran to start the server.

You will get a successful connection:

Successful connection in VS Code

Step 6 — Debugging with Attach to Port

For our third configuration, we will be attaching to an existing Node application running on a given port.


  "type": "node",
  "request": "attach",
  "name": "Attach to Port",
  "port": 9229

9229 is the default port for debugging when using the --inspect flag, so that’s what we’re going to use.

Since we’ve already started our server with the previous configuration, we can go ahead and start our debug configuration. Choose the Attach to Port configuration and click play:

Successful configuration 3 in VS Code

By specifying a port, localRoot, and remoteRoot it is also possible to debug by attaching over a network connection to a remote machine.

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How To Debug Node.js Code in Visual Studio Code
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