Using modals is one of the most popular UX concepts, which almost every application uses. In most cases, we’ll open the modal only when a user triggers a specific action.
If we think about it, it would be a waste to add the modal’s code to our initial bundle, because each client would have to download and parse it, even though they probably wouldn’t have cause to use it.
A better course of action would be to lazy load the modal’s code when the user initiates the action. Let’s see how easy it is to do that with Ivy:
import { Dialog } from '@ngneat/dialog';
template: `<button (click)="openModal()">Manage</button>`
class UsersComponent {
constructor(private dialog: Dialog) {}
async openModal() {
const { UsersManagerComponent } = import(
/* webpackPrefetch: true */
#angular #javascript #developer