What is Object Detection?

Object detection is a computer vision technique for identifying and locating instances of objects within images or videos. It provides much better understanding of an image as a whole when compared to visual recognition (i.e. image classification), which only identifies objects exist in an image, but doesn’t locate instance of them.

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Object detection, essentially, is a process of finding instances of real-world objects such as faces,** bicycles**, and** buildings** in images or videos.

Possible Real World Use-Cases

With the right custom object detection model, you can detect recognize and locate pretty much anything, but here are a few possible examples of potential use cases:

  • Person Detection: This is the task of identifying and locating all instances of individuals present in an image or video frame
  • People Counting: You can also use object detection to counts the number of people—i.e. for detecting group measurements during events
  • Vehicle Detection: We can detect, for instance, the license plate of a speeding car—we could then combine this with optical character recognition to automatically read the plates

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Object Detection in Android Using Firebase ML Kit
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