A Portuguese banking institution ran a marketing campaign to convince potential customers to invest in bank term deposits. Information related to direct marketing campaigns of the bank is as follows. The marketing campaigns were based on phone calls. Often, the same customer was contacted more than once through phone, to assess if they would want to subscribe to the bank term deposit or not.

The following questions were answered by data analysis with Spark

  1. Load data and create a Spark data frame
  2. Give marketing success rate. (No. of people subscribed / total no. of entries)
  3. Give marketing failure rate
  4. Maximum, Mean, and Minimum age of the average targeted customer
  5. Check the quality of customers by checking the average balance, median balance of customers
  6. Check if age matters in marketing subscription for deposit
  7. Check if marital status mattered for subscription to deposit.
  8. Check if age and marital status together mattered for subscription to deposit scheme
  9. Do feature engineering for the column — age and the right age effect on the campaign

The dataset is from the banking sector with the following attributes

#programming #big-data #analytics #spark #machine-learning

Big Data Project of Market Analysis in Banking Domain with Spark
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