In this video, We’ll be taking you through 20 things that’ll make your Fedora Perform Better (Preload), your Internet Speed Faster (custom DNS) and so many more improvements.

0:00 Intro
0:30 Enable RPM Fusion
1:31 GPU Drivers
3:19 Install Favorite Applications
4:17 Gnome Tweaks
5:18 Timeshift Backup
7:29 Boost Performance with Preload
8:53 Boost Internet speed with custom DNS
10:08 Firefox Speed Tweaks
11:36 Nightlight
12:28 Speed up DNF
13:19 DNFDragora
15:01 Configure Search
16:07 Themes and Icon Packs
17:02 Gnome Extensions
17:59 KDE Connect
18:40 Steam
19:27 Improve Fonts
20:13 Explore Settings
20:40 Customize the Dash and the App Grid
21:19 System Cleanup

Commands and Links:

Update & Upgrade (DO FIRST):
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

Enable RPM Fusion:
sudo dnf install… -E %fedora).noarch.rpm… -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

Install NVIDIA Drivers:

Install Favorite Apps:
sudo dnf install vlc gimp gparted kdenlive

Install GNOME Tweak Tool:
sudo dnf install gnome-tweak-tool

Install Timeshift backup:
sudo dnf install timeshift

Install Preload:
sudo dnf copr enable elxreno/preload -y && sudo dnf install preload -y

Firefox Tweaks:

Change DNS:,

Speed up DNF:
echo ‘fastestmirror=1’ | sudo tee -a /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
echo ‘max_parallel_downloads=10’ | sudo tee -a /etc/dnf/dnf.conf

Install DNFDragora:
sudo dnf isntall dnfdragora

Install GNOME Extensions:
dnf install chrome-gnome-shell gnome-extensions-app

Install KDEConnect:
sudo dnf install kdeconnectd

Install Steam:
sudo dnf install steam

Better Fonts:
sudo dnf copr enable dawid/better_fonts -y
sudo dnf install fontconfig-font-replacements -y
sudo dnf install fontconfig-enhanced-defaults -y

Install Bleachbit:
sudo dnf install bleachbit

#fedora #linux

20 Things You Must Do After Installing Fedora 34
13.00 GEEK