We can use Laravel MongoDB combine by using jenssegers/mongodb Package. If You need to get more information about the Jessegers package, then go to its Github. MongoDB is an open-source, cross-platform, document-oriented NoSQL database used for high volume data storage. MongoDB is written in C++. Let’s outline our whole blog post.
NoSQL (MongoDB) seems quite unpopular on Laravel, not because no one cares, but because not many people are going to use Mongo over SQL since SQL is already embedded into Laravel and provides a great experience for newcomers to understand how Laravel works with databases.
It might be more packages that handle NoSQL, but when it’s based on the community which we must trust more. I have also run it in production for quite a while, and so far, I never encountered problems with it.
The setup is pretty straightforward if you read the documentation — it will help you install it through Composer, set up a database driver. We’ll focus just on the essential things.
This package offers a Moloquent model, as the documentation states. It is an Eloquent model but made for Mongo.
#laravel #mongodb #sql #c++ #jenssegers/mongodb package