With the different features of Laravel, it is the most favorite framework amongst developers and companies using the PHP programming language. This adoption is due to the elegancy and scalability nature of the framework.

With the Laravel 9 release, the Laravel team switches from the traditional 6-month release cycle to a 12-month release cycle using the Semantic Versioning(Semver) approach.

The initial schedule of the Laravel 9 release was supposed to be September 2021, following the traditional approach. Still, the release date changed to January 2022 as stated by the creator and with a few valid reasons, as noted below.

In this article, we will discuss in detail Laravel 9 and the best features of Laravel. We will also detail how to update or upgrade to Laravel 9 and install and start building an app with the new Laravel 9.

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Laravel
  3. Laravel 9 and what to expect
  4. Features in Laravel 9
  5. how to install to Laravel 9
  6. Conclusion

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Laravel 9 Tutorial: Laravel 9 New Features
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