Java Reflection is the process of analyzing and modifying all the capabilities of a class at runtime. Reflection API in Java is used to manipulate class and its members which include fields, methods, constructor, etc. at runtime.
One advantage of reflection API in Java is, it can manipulate private members of the class too.
The java.lang.reflect package provides many classes to implement reflection java.Methods of the java.lang.Class class is used to gather the complete metadata of a particular class.
Following is a list of various Java classes in java.lang.package to implement reflection-
Field: This class is used to gather declarative information such as datatype, access modifier, name and value of a variable.
Method: This class is used to gather declarative information such as access modifier, return type, name, parameter types and exception type of a method.
Constructor: This class is used to gather declarative information such as access modifier, name and parameter types of a constructor.
Modifier: This class is used to gather information about a particular access modifier.
Public String getName (): Returns the name of the class.
Public Class getSuperclass(): Returns the super class reference
Public Class[] getInterfaces() : Returns an array of interfaces implemented by the specified class
Public in getModifiers (): Returns an integer value representing the modifiers of the specified class which needs to be passed as a parameter to "public static String toString (int i )" method which returns the access specifier for the given class.
To get information about variables, methods, and constructors of a class, we need to create an object of the class.
public class Guru99ClassObjectCreation { public static void main (String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException { //1 - By using Class.forname() method Class c1 = Class.forName("Guru99ClassObjectCreation"); //2- By using getClass() method Guru99ClassObjectCreation guru99Obj = new Guru99ClassObjectCreation(); Class c2 = guru99Obj.getClass(); //3- By using .class Class c3= Guru99ClassObjectCreation.class; } }
Following example shows different ways to create object of class "class" :
Following example shows how to get metadata such as: Class name, super class name, implemented interfaces, and access modifiers of a class.
We will get the metadata of below class named Guru99Base.class:
import; public abstract class Guru99Base implements Serializable,Cloneable { }
Below class will get the meta data of Guru99Base.class and print it:
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; public class Guru99GetclassMetaData {public static void main (String [] args) throws ClassNotFoundException { // Create Class object for Guru99Base.class Class guru99ClassObj = Guru99Base.class; // Print name of the class system.out.println("Name of the class is : " +guru99ClassObj.getName()); // Print Super class name system.out.println("Name of the super class is : " +guru99ClassObj.getSuperclass().getName()); // Get the list of implemented interfaces in the form of Class array using getInterface() method class[] guru99InterfaceList = guru99classObj.getInterfaces(); // Print the implemented interfaces using foreach loop system.out.print("Implemented interfaces are : "); for (Class guru99class1 : quru99 InterfaceList) { system.out.print guru99class1.getName() + " "); } system.out.println(); //Get access modifiers using get Modifiers() method and toString() method of java.lang.reflect.Modifier class int guru99AccessModifier= guru99classObj.getModifiers(); // Print the access modifiers System.Out.println("Access modifiers of the class are : " +Modifier.tostring(guru99AccessModifier)); }
Following examples shows how to get metadata of variable:
Here, we are creating a class named Guru99VariableMetaData .class with some variables:
package guru;
public class Guru99VariableMetaData {
public static int guru99IntVar1=1111;
static int guru99IntVar2=2222;
static String guru99StringVar1=“”;
static String guru99StringVar2=“Learning Reflection API”;
Steps to get the metadata about the variables in the above class:
Create the class object of the above class i.e. Guru99VariableMetaData.class as below:
Guru99VariableMetaData guru99ClassVar = new Guru99VariableMetaData();
Class guru99ClassObjVar = guru99ClassVar.getClass();
Get the metadata in the form of field array using getFields() or getDeclaredFields() methods as below:
Field[] guru99Field1= guru99ClassObjVar .getFields();
Field[] guru99Fiel2= guru99ClassObjVar .getDeclaredFields();
getFields() method returns metadata of the public variable from the specified class as well as from its super class.
getDeclaredFields() method returns metadata of the all the variables from the specified class only.
package guru;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;public class Guru99VariableMetaDataTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
// Create Class object for Guru99VariableMetaData.class
Guru99VariableMetaData guru99ClassVar = new Guru99VariableMetaData();
Class guru99ClassObjVar = guru99ClassVar.getClass();// Get the metadata of all the fields of the class Guru99VariableMetaData Field[] guru99Field1= guru99ClassObjVar.getDeclaredFields(); // Print name, datatypes, access modifiers and values of the varibales of the specified class for(Field field : guru99Field1) { System.out.println("Variable name : "+field.getName()); System.out.println("Datatypes of the variable :"+field.getType()); int guru99AccessModifiers = field.getModifiers(); System.out.printlln("Access Modifiers of the variable : "+Modifier.toString(guru99AccessModifiers)); System.out.println("Value of the variable : "+field.get(field)); System.out.println(); system.out.println("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *") ; } }
package guru;
import java.sql.SQLException;
public class Guru99MethodMetaData {public void guru99Add(int firstElement, int secondElement , String result) throws ClassNotFoundException, ClassCastException{ System.out.println("Demo method for Reflextion API"); } public String guru99Search(String searchString) throws ArithmeticException, InterruptedException{ System.out.println("Demo method for Reflection API"); return null; } public void guru99Delete(String deleteString) throws SQLException{ System.out.println("Demo method for Reflection API"); }
Steps to get the metadata about the methods in the above class :
Create the class object of the above class i.e. Guru99MethodMetaData.class as below:
Guru99MethodMetaData guru99ClassVar = new Guru99MethodMetaData ();
Class guru99ClassObjVar = guru99ClassVar.getClass();
Get method information in a Method array using getMethods() and getDeclaredMethods() method as below:
Method[] guru99 Method 1= guru99ClassObjVar .get Methods();
Method [] guru99 Method 2= guru99ClassObjVar .getDeclared Method s();
getMethods() method returns metadata of the public methods from the specified class as well as from its super class.
getDeclaredMethods() method returns metadata of the all the methods from the specified class only.
Get the name of the method using getName() method.
Get the return type of the method using getReturnType() method.
Get access modifiers of the methods using getModifiers() and Modifiers.toString(int i) methods.
Get method parameter types using getParameterTypes() method which returns a class array.
Get thrown exception using getExceptionTypes() method which returns a class array.
Here, we are writing a class to get the metadata of the methods present in the class Guru99MethodMetaData.class:
package guru;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;public class Guru99MethodMetaDataTest {
public static void main (String[] args) { // Create Class object for Guru99Method MetaData.class class guru99ClassObj = Guru99MethodMetaData.class; // Get the metadata or information of all the methods of the class using getDeclaredMethods() Method[] guru99Methods=guru99classObj.getDeclaredMethods(); for(Method method : guru99Methods) { // Print the method names System.out.println("Name of the method : "+method.getName()); // Print return type of the methods System.out.println("Return type of the method : "+method.getReturnType()); //Get the access modifier list and print int guru99ModifierList = method.getModifiers(); System.Out.printlin ("Method access modifiers : "+Modifier.toString(guru99ModifierList)); // Get and print parameters of the methods Class[] guru99ParamList= method.getParameterTypes(); system.out.print ("Method parameter types : "); for (Class class1 : guru99ParamList){ System.out.println(class1.getName()+" "); } System.out.println(); // Get and print exception thrown by the method Class[] guru99ExceptionList = method. getExceptionTypes(); system.out.print("Excpetion thrown by method :"); for (Class class1 : guru99ExceptionList) { System.out.println (class1.getName() +" "): } System.Out.println(); system.out.println("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "); } }
Created class object for Guru99MethodMetaData.class
Got all the metadata of all the methods in a Method array
Printed all the method names present in the class Guru99MethodMetaData.class
Printed return types of the methods in the class Guru99MethodMetaData.class
Printed all the access modifiers of the methods in the class Guru99MethodMetaData.class
Printed parameter types of the methods in Guru99MethodMetaData.class
Printed exceptions are thrown by methods in Guru99MethodMetaData.class
package guru;import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.sql.SQLException;public class Guru99Constructor {
public Guru99Constructor(int no) throws ClassCastException ,ArithmeticException{ } public Guru99Constructor(int no, String name) throws RemoteException ,SQLException{ } public Guru99Constructor(int no, String name, String address) throws InterruptedException{ }
Here, we are writing a class to get the metadata of the constructors present in the class Guru99Constructor.class:
package guru;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
public class Guru99ConstructorMetaDataTest {public static void main (String[] args) { // Create Class object for Guru99Constructor.class Class guru99Class=Guru99Constructor.class; // Get all the constructor information in the Constructor array Constructor[] guru99ConstructorList = guru99Class.getConstructors(); for (Constructor constructor : guru99ConstructorList) { // Print all name of each constructor System.out.println("Constrcutor name : "+constructor.getName()); //Get and print access modifiers of each constructor int guru99Modifiers= constructor.getModifiers(); System.Out.printlin ("Constrctor modifier : "+Modifier.toString(guru99Modifiers)); // Get and print parameter types Class[] guru99ParamList=constructor.getParameterTypes(); System.out.print ("Constrctor parameter types :"); for (Class class1 : guru99ParamList) { System.out.println(class1.getName() +" "); } System. out.println(); // Get and print exception thrown by constructors Class[] guru99ExceptionList=constructor.getFxceptionTypes(); System.out.println("Exception thrown by constructors :"); for (Class class1 : guru99ExceptionList) { System.out.println(class1.getName() +" "); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("*******************************************"); } }
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