This tutorial walks you through on how to integrate video player to run videos in Angular 10 application using the ngx-videogular library.
When it comes to customization of the video player, then HTML 5 has not turned any stone unturned.
HTML 5 Video player offers you the freedom to build a custom video player, and the good thing is it is widely supported by the latest browsers too.
You just need to define a Video tag to create a video player this way you can easily embed a video player.
In this tutorial, we will learn to work with the ngx-videoglar package which solves video player embedding in Angular easy.
This package is by far the best package for video embedding in Angular 10|9, and you can make HTML 5 video player with full options to control the video.
With the ngx-videogular plugin you can make future-ready Angular video application and get multiple benefits:
#angular #angular 10