Star Rating Component with support for Swipe and Touch Selection


Star rating component with support for swipe and / or touch selection



react-native-vector-icons package is required, set it up if you haven’t already.

install > npm i react-native-swipeable-rating

Basic example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import SwipeableRating from 'react-native-swipeable-rating';

class MyStarRating extends Component {
  state = {
    rating: 0

  handleRating = (rating) => {

      <View style={{marginHorizontal: 30}}>

See the full example app

There are a few different ways the component can be used:

  • The above example works with swiping and tapping on individual stars.
  • rating={n}, swipeable={false} and no onPress will make it a dumb/static component that displays a rating.
  • swipeable={false} with an onPress function will make the individual stars a tappable TouchableOpacity.
  • if you use allowHalves you will also need to change minRating to 0.5


Prop name type default Desc Required?
rating number The rating
onPress function The function to be called when swiping or tapping
swipeable boolean true Allow/disallow swiping the component to change the rating
xOffset number 0 The offset from the left of the screen to the start of the component (ignore if swipeable={false}) no but you will almost definitely need to change it!
style object Styles the rating container
color string ‘crimson’ Color applied to the default star icon
emptyColor string ‘crimson’ Color applied to the default empty star icon
size number 24 The size applied to the default icons
gap number 0 marginRight applied to the default icons
minRating number 1 The minimum rating to allow
maxRating number 5 The maximum rating to allow / amount of stars to display
allowHalves boolean false Allow ratings to go up in increments of 0.5 instead of 1
filledIcon string or function ‘star’ The MaterialIcons icon to use for the filled star OR your custom component function (receives size, gap, number args)
halfFilledIcon string or function ‘star-half’ The MaterialIcons icon to use for the half filled star OR your custom component function (receives size, gap, number args)
emptyIcon string or function ‘star-border’ The MaterialIcons icon to use for the empty star OR your custom component function (receives size, gap, number args)

You must make your custom icon components size (+ gap, if you use it) total width, so the correct swipe distances can be calculated.

size, gap, color, emptyColor, n (the icon’s rating number (index) beginning at 1) are passed to the custom icon functions for convenience.

Download Details:

Author: renrizzolo


#react-native #react

Star Rating Component with support for Swipe and Touch Selection
17.50 GEEK