GitHub is the holy grail of the developer community when it comes to open-source development. As an open-source language itself, Node is gradually becoming one of the most used technologies on GitHub. So we decided to take a look at eight of the trending Node projects currently on GitHub.
We’ve omitted the obvious picks, like Express, Mocha, and ESlint, from this article. Go through the ones we’ve picked, and see if you can find a new open-source project to contribute to or use in one of your projects.
Electron home page
Electron is used to build cross-platform desktop applications using the technologies you already use for web development, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With Electron, you can easily make a desktop application that runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS — using the same code base.
Electron uses Node and Chromium as its core technologies. Its most significant feature, also the reason for some security concerns, is permitting the application to access the native APIs of the OS without worrying about the OS type.
Most of the popular desktop applications we see today are built using Electron. Visual Studio Code, Atom, Microsoft Teams, and Slack are some of the examples.
Electron is currently maintained by GitHub. It boasts 86,000 stars on GitHub, being one of the most popular Node projects currently available.
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