CBT provides a transparent and stable trading platform to the benefit of both the service and product providers and their customers. DigitalFlyer, along with CBT, is more than just a business listing or marketplace: It is funded, updated and maintained by the business community and our business members. It is anticipated that every one-man business, small to medium enterprise, and start-up will be using DigitalFlyer and it’s digital trading and business service platform, powered by CBT.
CBT’s vision and focus is to allow any type of community business, enter the digital era of doing business, while funding community projects for upliftment and upskilling.
CBT funding is mostly ear marked for various community projects including children schooling, community support, community health and entrepreneurial skilling. Stay connected to learn more.
CBT is not just something that would be done in the future but an extension of an existing and growing business platform. CBT is not a future planned concept but a living and growing community infrastructure.
CBT’s referral bonus structure is a money back guarantee option. Our CBT partakers have the option to earn even before the CBT is closed. Make sure you read our Whitepaper and learn about the CBT bonus and cash pay-back package options.
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ICO DATE: Feb 29, 2020 - Feb 28, 2021
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