How to Create your own API Client Library in JavaScript

Every time I find myself connecting to a third-party API that doesn’t have a client library, I have to create a lot of boilerplate around it:

  • Manually getting and passing authentication credentials to the data-fetching layer. What if you want to persist API keys or perform the OAuth process?
  • Defining data models and normalization. You would need to make sure that the data you receive from the API is saved in a structured way.
  • Create a controller for the API that keeps all the methods in one place so you can easily modify and find all usages of the API across your codebase.
  • Keeping up with updates. The APIs tend to change a lot. New methods come, old ones deprecate.

It was one of these days where I decided to connect to DEV API to automatically collect stats for my published articles. There wasn’t any API client ready for use, so I ended up creating all of the wrapping logic around it. If it’s already there, then why not share it with others together with my learnings, right? We’ll go through five steps and come out with a clear plan on how to implement your own client.

1. Language and Target Platform

Before jumping into the coding part, let’s discuss which language we’re going to use. Remember my point about defining data models? For API clients, it’s essential to give a user more information about data that is going be returned so we don’t have to constantly switch context between documentation and IDE. It also helps to avoid bugs and typos as you write code. We all have tests in the end, don’t we? Keeping all that in mind, the best choice at the moment is to use TypeScript.

Now let’s think about where our library is going to be run. Basically, it could a browser or a Node.js server. Why not develop a library that works in both? It’ll also make it easier to use it together with server-side rendering where code is executed on the server first and then on the client.

2. Bundling

Two major differentiators for any library are its size and support of users with old and modern clients. First, we want our size to be as small as possible — an API client shouldn’t add much weight to the project. Second, the library should have decent browser support by serving the CommonJS bundle for those who cannot support the modern version and at the same time give a modern bundle for clients with newer versions.

The default choice for a web project is Webpack, but our library is fairly small and simple, so I’ve chosen Rollup as a base bundler together with [microbundle]( for easy setup.

npm i -D microbundle

Now update the package.js with build tasks and a path to an entry point:

  "source": "src/foo.js",          // Your source file (same as 1st arg to microbundle)
  "main": "dist/foo.js",           // Output path for CommonJS/Node
  "module": "dist/foo.module.js",  // Output path for JS Modules
  "unpkg": "dist/foo.umd.js",      // Optional, for
  "scripts": {
    "build": "microbundle",        // Uses "source" and "main" as input and output paths by default
    "dev": "microbundle watch"

3. Structure of the Library

As we intend to support a lot of API endpoints, we want our code to scale well if the API expands. One of the best ways to do that is to align folders with resource names.

		index.ts // Everything that's related to articles
	index.ts // Imports and joins all resources together

It’s also useful to keep resources as separate classes so you don’t need to change root index.ts every time you add a new method. Then you’d need to merge them together using TypeScript Mixins:

function applyMixins(derivedCtor: any, baseCtors: any[]) {
    baseCtors.forEach(baseCtor => {
      Object.getOwnPropertyNames(baseCtor.prototype).forEach(name => {
          Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(baseCtor.prototype, name)
class DevTo extends Base {}
interface DevTo extends Articles, Comments, Users {}
applyMixins(DevTo, [Articles, Comments, Users])
export default DevTo

4. Fetching the Library

We wanted to make a library that works both in the browser and in Node.js. How we would make our requests universal as well? fetch is available in the browser but missing in Node.js, where you should use the http module.

isomorphic-unfetch will help us use the fetch function everywhere and switch between the browser and Node.js versions automatically.

Now let’s have a look at the request function that wraps fetch and append an authentication header:

function request<T> (endpoint: string, options?: RequestInit): Promise<T> {
    const url = this.basePath + endpoint
    const headers = {
        'api-key': this.apiKey,
        'Content-type': 'application/json'
    const config = {
    return fetch(url, config).then(r => {
        if (r.ok) {
            return r.json()
        throw new Error(r.statusText)

We always return Promise so clients can chain requests together or wait for the results.

5. Testing

Most of the code in the API client is integrated with third-party endpoints. To make testing easier, we can utilize the Nock library that conveniently mocks an HTTP server for you:

describe('Article resource', () => {
    test('getArticles returns a list of articles', async () => {
        // Set up the mock request
        const scope = nock('')
           .reply(200, [{ title: 'Article' }])
        // Make the request
        const DevToClient = new DevTo({ apiKey: 'XYZ' })
        await DevToClient.getArticles()
        // Assert that the expected request was made.

In the example above, we set up the mock, then made the request, and finally checked that the mock has been executed.


We built an API client that is small, scalable, supports TypeScript out of the box, and works in a browser and in Node.js.

If you want to see the final code, feel free to check out the repository. Don’t hesitate to ask me for the details or suggest an improvement.

Thank you for reading!

#javascript #typescript #api

How to Create your own API Client Library in JavaScript
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