5 Awesome Toolbar for React Native, works with iOS and Android

1.React Native X Bar

Time and time again, developers must implement the same-old bar UI. There is–pretty much always–a need for components such as headers, list items, tab bars, search bars, card headings, etc. There’s a whole world of bars, ranging in form and function… and a lot of them are so, damn, simple! Does their simplicity justify us needing to always re-create them? If you just answered no, you are absolutely correct! Now then, let X Bar take care of your bar needs, and say goodbye to hundreds of lines of useless bar boilerplate.


  • smooth, easy-to-use layouts
  • no limit to the number of slots that can be added in a given XBar
  • slot-grouping
  • horizontally scrollable slots
  • fade effect on either side of the overflown slot
  • impeccable onPress handling
  • simultaneously assign onPress for individual slots, all slots, and container
  • assign order of onPress executions with the “onPressPriority” prop
  • easily style every crevace to perfection
  • if you want a new feature, shoot me an email at harrysolovay@gmail.com and I’ll see what I can do 💪

"React Native X Bar"

2.React Navigation Custom Bottom Tab Component

ReactNavigation - TabBarComponent with custom animation

Providing few solution for Bottom Navigation.

  • FlexibleTabBarComponent
  • AnimatedCircleBarComponent

"React Navigation Custom Bottom Tab Component"

3.React Native Multibar

React Native MultiBar This module provides the functionality to implement extended actions by adding a custom tab bar with an advanced button.

"React Native Multibar"

4.React Native Bottom Bar

Fully customizable BottomBar with unique design shape for React Native https://www.freakycoder.com/

"React Native Bottom Bar"

5.React Native Collapsingtoolbar

Collapsing Toolbar for react native

"React Native Collapsingtoolbar"

#react-native #react #mobile-apps

5 Awesome Toolbar for React Native, works with iOS and Android
57.10 GEEK