In this Python article, i want to show you Export File as PDF with Pyside2 [Qt For Python ], for this purpose we are using QPrinter class. the QPrinter class is a paint device that paints on a printer. this device represents a series of pages of printed output, and is used in almost exactly the same way as other paint devices such as QWidget and QPixmap . A set of additional functions are provided to manage device-specific features, such as orientation and resolution, and to step through the pages in a document as it is generated. when printing directly to a printer on Windows or macOS, QPrinter uses the built-in printer drivers. On X11, QPrinter uses the Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) to send PDF output to the printer. As an alternative, the printProgram() function can be used to specify the command or utility to use instead of the system default.

#pyside #pdf #python export file

Python Export File as PDF with Pyside2 [Qt For Python ]
10.05 GEEK