Welcome to this course on Go Programming Language Tutorial. Go is an open source programming language which was originally developed by Google. In this Go Tutorial we will Learn Go from the Basics with Code Examples. Go is a statically-typed language. Go has a syntax similar to C. Go has built-in concurrency.

▶️Course content▶️
00:00:01​ 1 - Introduction to Go Programming Language
00:09:50​ 2 - Setup Go Development Environment with Visual Studio Code(VS Code )
00:16:59​ 3 - Golang Variables - Declaring Variables in Go - How To Use Variables in Go
00:29:03​ 4 - Variables Naming Convention and Visibility modes and Type Conversion
00:40:58​ 5 - Primitives in Golang
00:52:14​ 6 - Integer Types, Bitwise Operators, Bit Shifting
01:05:44​ 7 - Floating Point, Complex types in GO
01:16:41​ 8 - Text types in Go
01:27:48​ 9 - Working with Constants in Golang
01:38:36​ 10 - golang enumerated constants
01:49:17​ 11 - GoLang enumerated constants part 2
02:02:49​ 12 - Golang Arrays and Slices
02:17:29​ 13 - Slices in Golang
02:30:43​ 14 - Slice Operations Using builtin functions
02:44:08​ 15 - Golang Maps with Example
03:00:31​ 16 - Structures in Go (structs)
03:15:11​ 17 - Composition in Golang
03:24:14​ 18 - tags in Golang | How To Use Struct Tags in Go
03:31:53​ 19 - Basic Control Flows | Golang If…Else…Else If Statements
03:45:00​ 20 - Switch Statements in Golang
03:54:19​ 21 - Looping Constructs in Golang | Golang For Loop
04:03:10​ 22 - Looping Constructs in Golang | For Range loop in Golang
04:18:22​ 23 - Defer Keyword in Golang
04:28:50​ 24 - Panic Keyword in Golang
04:39:50​ 25 - Recover Keyword in Golang
04:49:40​ 26 - Functions in Golang
05:01:00​ 27 - First Class Functions in Golang
05:14:44​ 28 - Interfaces in Golang
05:29:00​ 29 - Creating a Simple Hello World HTTP Server in Go

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Learn Go Programming - Golang Tutorial for Beginners
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