If you are planning to learn to react then you must know more recent JavaScript features that you will use over and over in React.

There is no need to be an expert in those topics right away, but as you more deep dive into react, the more you will need to master those.

List of topics:

  1. variables
  2. Arrow function
  3. Object and arrays using Rest and Spread Operator
  4. Object and array Destructuring
  5. Template literals
  6. Classes
  7. Promises
  8. Async/Await
  9. ES Modules

1. Variables

variables are nothing but a container that stores the values.in javascript there no type specified for the variable. as you assigned the value to the variable it becomes that type of variable.

in Javascript, we can define a variable using varlet and const.

var a = 0;
let b = 1;
const NUM = 10;

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Use Most Useful JavaScript Features in React
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