Reusable Action Development Workflows


These workflows are used for the development lifecycles of the GitHub-provided actions in the github/actions org. We also provide them here to use in actions that you create!

Available workflows

  • basic-validation.yml

This workflow compiles and tests the code in the repo. It also checks that it passes linting and formatting rules. Optionally, it can run npm audit on the packages in the repo.


  uses: actions/reusable-workflows/.github/workflows/basic-validation.yml@main
  • check-dist.yml

This workflow ensures that the generated contents of the dist directory match what they are expected to be. For actions that follow our TypeScript or JavaScript templates, dist contains the packaged script that is executed by the runner. Whenever you update the source code, the dist files must be regenerated for the changes to take effect.


  uses: actions/reusable-workflows/.github/workflows/check-dist.yml@main
  • codeql-analysis.yml

This workflow uses GitHub's code scanning feature to analyze a repository for vulnerabilities, bugs, and other errors. This workflow uses github/codeql-action to run code scanning.


  uses: actions/reusable-workflows/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml@main
  • licensed.yml

This workflow helps to check the statuses of cached dependencies used in action with the help of the Licensed tool.


  uses: actions/reusable-workflows/.github/workflows/licensed.yml@main
  • update-config-files.yml

This workflow helps to keep configuration files for such tools as ESLint and Prettier up to date with the reference configuration files from the actions/reusable-workflows repository. Once the reference configuration files are changed in the reference folder, the workflow will automatically create PR with updates in the repo where it's launched.


  uses: actions/reusable-workflows/.github/workflows/update-config-files.yml@main

Adjusting reusable workflows

If the default behaviour of a reusable workflow isn't what you need, you can adjust it using the workflow's inputs. Check the available inputs of reusable workflows in the corresponding YAML file in .github/workflows/<reusable-workflow-name>.yml.

Example of disabling auditing of NPM packages in the basic-validation workflow:

  uses: actions/reusable-workflows/.github/workflows/basic-validation.yml@main
    enable-audit: false

Download Details:

Author: actions

Official Github: 

License: MIT


Reusable Action Development Workflows
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