All of us have used a search engine, in example Google, in every single day for searching everything, even on simple things. But have you ever imagined, how that search engine can retrieve all of our documents based on what we want to search (query)?

In this article, I will show you on how to build a simple search engine from scratch using Python and its supporting library. After you read the article, I hope you can understand how to build your own search engine based on what you need. Without further, let’s go!


Before we get our hands dirty, let me give you the steps on how to implement this, and on each section, I will explain on how to build it. They are,

  • Preparing the documents
  • Create a Term-Document Matrix with TF-IDF weighting
  • Calculate the similarities between query and documents using Cosine Similarity
  • Retrieve the articles that have the highest similarity on it.

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How to Create a Simple Search Engine using Python
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