HTML tags are keywords used in HTML to display web-pages with certain properties. They are further used for defining HTML elements. An HTML element consists of a starting tag, some content, and an ending tag. The web browser reads the HTML document from top to bottom, left to right. Each HTML tag defines a new property that helps in rendering the website.



The ‘<>’ brackets contain an HTML tag. There are two types of HTML tags- empty tags or singleton tags and container tags. Singleton tags or empty tags do not contain any content such as an image or a paragraph and hence do not need to be closed, whereas container tags should be closed.


  1. Some Content

Examples of:

Empty tag: 


Container tags: 



  1. <!DOCTYPE>
  2. Paragraph

  3. Heading

  4. Bold
  5. Italic
  6. Underline


HTML Tags example

Head tags:

,<style>,<script>,<link>,<meta> and <base>. <p>Text-formatting tags:</p> <p><h>,<b>,<strong>,<small>,<pre>,<i>,<em>,<sub>,<sup>,<ins>,<dfn>,<del>,<div> and <span>.</p> <p>Link tags:</p> <p><a>, <base>.</p> <p>List tags:</p> <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <dl>, <dd> <p>Table tags:</p> <table> ,<tr> , <td>, <th>, <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>. <p>Form tags:</p> <form>, <input>, <select>, <option>, <button>, <label>, <fieldset>, <textarea>. <p>Scripting tags:</p> <script>, <noscript> Image and Object tags: <img>, <figure>, <figcaption>, <area>, <map>, <object>. Here is an alphabetical list of tags used in HTML.

#html tutorials #html image tags #html link tags #html list tags #html tags #html

Commonly Used HTML Tags with Examples
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