Bitcoin with Node.js Tutorial

In this post, you’ll learn Intro to NodeJS including installation, creating a basic http server, and fetching the current bitcoin price. install with NPM, GET routing, and using request within express. Use body-parser to collect POST data in a web form, convert that POST data into a private key pair using bitcore-lib…

Part 1 - Hello World

Intro to NodeJS including installation, creating a basic http server, and fetching the current bitcoin price.

Part 2 - Express

Intro to express module, install with NPM, GET routing, and using request within express.

Part 3 - Create a Brain Wallet

Use body-parser to collect POST data in a web form, convert that POST data into a private key pair using bitcore-lib.

Part 4 - Callback Functions

This one focuses heavily on using callback functions and is not really about Bitcoin. I’m including it because it’s something you need to know if you’re going to develop NodeJS websites.

Part 5 - Build a Converter App with EJS & Bootstrap

We go into how to create dynamic pages and templating with EJS. We’ll add a simple style with Then we’ll create a BTC USD conversion app.

Part 6 - Blocktrail API Setup

How to setup and use blocktrail wallet API. If you get an error when installing the npm try installing it through git bash instead.

Tips: 1NPrfWgJfkANmd1jt88A141PjhiarT8d9U

Part 7 - Deploying Your App

In this video we go over how to deploy a Bitcoin SaaS that embeds data to the blockchain with DigitalOcean, using Putty, FileZilla and domain name with NameCheap.

GitHub Repo:

A simple way to embed data into the blockchain with OP_RETURN using Bitcore

This tutorial is a step-by-step guide on how to execute an OP_RETURN transaction in order to insert data into the Bitcoin Blockhain. This video uses the Bitcore library by Bitpay and NodeJS.

Create Your Own Bitcoin Vanity Address Using BitcoinJS

A tutorial on how to create a simple and VERY SLOW Bitcoin vanity address in NodeJS using the BitcoinJS library.

How To Build Raw Bitcoin Transactions in NodeJS

This developer how to video is a simple example of how to use the bitcoinjs-lib library in order to create bitcoin addresses and build raw transactions.

Bitcoin JS Library:…


How To Create Standalone Bitcoin Javascript Tool

In this video I demonstrate how one could take a bitcoin library and export specific cryptographic functions into a standalone javascript file that can then be used in an HTML page.


Thank you for reading!

#bitcoin #nodejs #cryptocurenncy #blockchain

Bitcoin with Node.js Tutorial
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