WebJobs is a feature of Azure App Service that enables you to run a program or script in the same instance as a web app, API app, or mobile app. Since this runs as part of the same instance as the Web App, there is no additional cost to use WebJobs. WebJobs is not supported on a Linux App Service.

The Azure WebJobs SDK simplifies the task of writing WebJobs. Version 3.x of WebJobs SDK supports both .NET Core and .NET Framework. At the time of writing, there are no code templates to create an Azure WebJob .NET Core application in Visual Studio. However, setting up is not that hard and well explained in the Getting started with Azure WebJobs SDK article.

Set Up Azure WebJob

All you need to do is create a .NET Core Console application (from the Visual Studio templates), add the Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs and Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions NuGet packages. Update the Program.cs file in the .NET Console Application to use the HostBuilder as shown. If you want to log to the console, also add the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console NuGet package.

To run the host in development mode  call the UseEnvironment  method on the builder and set it to development . It increases the queue polling interval, sets log level to verbose, etc., and makes development more efficient.

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How To Continuously Deploy Your .NET Core Azure WebJobs
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