Validate: Email ID, GST Number, Bank IFSC Code, PAN Number


This post how to validate an email ID, GST Number, Bank IFSC Code, PAN Number with Javascript or jQuery.

Email ID Validation

Here is a Javascript function to validate the email ID, you need to add the class “email” in the text control.


<script type="text/javascript">        
$(document).ready(function () {        
$(".email").change(function () {    
var inputvalues = $(this).val();    
var regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/;    
alert("invalid email id");    
return regex.test(inputvalues);    
Html input type text          
Email : <input type="text" class="email" >    

GST Number Validation

You need to apply the “gst” class to control and add the below Javascript function.

GST no sample : 05ABDCE1234F1Z2


<script type="text/javascript">      
$(document).ready(function () {      
$(".gst").change(function () {    
                var inputvalues = $(this).val();    
                var gstinformat = new RegExp('^[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{5}[0-9]{4}[A-Z]1}[1-9A-Z]{1}Z[0-9A-Z]{1}$');    
                if (gstinformat.test(inputvalues)) {    
                    return true;    
                } else {    
                    alert('Please Enter Valid GSTIN Number');    
ASP Textbox        
<asp:TextBox ID="txtGST" MaxLength="15" runat="server" class="gst form-control mandatory" ClientIDMode="Static" placeholder="GST Reg No."></asp:TextBox>          
Html input type text        
<input type="text" class="gst" >    

Bank IFSC Code Validation

Here is a validation code for a bank IFSC code.

IFSC code format:

  • Starting 4 should be only alphabets[A-Z]
  • Remaining 7 should accept only alphanumeric


<script type="text/javascript">    
$(".ifsc").change(function () {      
var inputvalues = $(this).val();      
  var reg = /[A-Z|a-z]{4}[0][a-zA-Z0-9]{6}$/;    
                if (inputvalues.match(reg)) {    
                    return true;    
                else {    
                    alert("You entered invalid IFSC code");    
                    return false;    
IFSC : <input type="text" class="ifsc">    

PAN Number Validation

This post shows the code to validate a PAN number. Here is the Javascript code, just add the class “pan” in a text control.

PAN no. sample: ABCDE1234F

<script type="text/javascript">    
$(".pan").change(function () {      
var inputvalues = $(this).val();      
  var regex = /[A-Z]{5}[0-9]{4}[A-Z]{1}$/;    
  alert("invalid PAN no");    
  return regex.test(inputvalues);    
PAN : <input type="text" class="pan">    

Thank you for reading! I hope this tutorial will surely help and you if you liked this tutorial, please consider sharing it with others.

You may also like: How to Validate an IP address using Javascript.

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#javascript #jQuery #validation #tutorial #developer

Validate: Email ID, GST Number, Bank IFSC Code, PAN Number
95.15 GEEK