A portfolio for a web designer. We used React JS to make this portfolio. A clean design with full responsiveness. You will find this portfolio very professional. Also, we added smooth scroll in the portfolio which will make the scroll experience really elegant.

Timestamps -
00:00​ - Project Intro
01:19​ - Video Intro
02:45​ - React Router DOM
21:43​ - Styled Components
30:31​ - Responsive CSS
41:55​ - Mobile Menu Functionality
54:43​ - Video Conclusion

👉 source code: https://github.com/ShaifArfan/AYANs-p…

Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdxaLo9ALJgXgOUDURRPGiQ/featured

#react #javascript

Complete React Portfolio Website Project | NavMenu
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