Wildfire: Vue.js Comment Plugin Replacement


A drop-in replacement for other comment plug-ins.

Please visit the brand new Wildfire Home Page (https://wildfire.js.org). Detailed documentation is available.

Started using wildfire? Share your website with others: We are using Wildfire! !

全新的 Wildfire 主页 (https://wildfire.js.org/#/zh-cn/) 已经启用了,快去那儿看看详细的文档吧。

点此查看 中文版 README.md


wildfire aims to be an it-just-works comment plug-in for personal websites, like your Hexo blogs. It takes advantage of free real-time databases (Firebase and Wilddog) to store your comments data, and provide you real-time communicating experience.

Continue reading Get Started, and start your journey with wildfire!

If you are using Wildfire, please share your website here: We are using Wildfire! :-D.


For site owners:

For all visitors (anonymous & authorized):

  • Comment (with Markdown support)
  • Mention (@username)

For authorized visitors:

  • Like/dislike a comment
  • Delete own comments
  • Report inappropriate comments
  • Update user profile
    • Display name
    • Avatar
  • Personal Center:
    • Notification


For more showcases, check this Wiki page: Who is using Wildfire?.


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].


Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer]


Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Become a sponsor]

Download details:

Author: cheng-kang
Source: https://github.com/cheng-kang/wildfire

License: GPL-3.0 license

#vue #vuejs 

Wildfire: Vue.js Comment Plugin Replacement
1.00 GEEK