Build Sidebar navigation menu in ReactJS with react router and framer-motion for cool page transition effects😇

Demo Link🖤:

Hi there 👋,

In this video we’re going to build cool react sidebar using react-router and framer-motion.

(Make sure to install all the required files 👇)

Starter-Code Files👇:
Write this whole line in your command Prompt,
git clone --single-branch --branch starter-code

For this project we’re going to use,
▶️ React Hooks
▶️ Styled-components
▶️ React-router-dom
▶️ Framer-motion

Don’t forget to watch whole videos, we’re going to learn a lot of stuff like,
▶️ React Hooks
▶️ Creating hamburger menu effect purely in css
▶️ How we can leverage advantages of react router (Navlink)
▶️ How to use Framer-motion for page transition animation

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React Sidebar Navigation Menu Tutorial [Using Router + Page Transition with Frame-Motion]
13.60 GEEK