A Simple Netflix Clone Built with Vuejs


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About this Project

This project is Netflix simple clone built with Vuejs


  • ✔️ Vue Js — A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • ♻️ Vuex — A state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications

Getting started

  1. Clone this repo using git clone git@github.com:ricardovasconcelos/Vueflix.git

  2. Move yourself to the appropriate directory: cd vueflix

  3. Run npm install to install dependencies

Getting started with the project

  1. Move yourself to the services folder
  2. Add the YoutubeAPI KEY in api file
  • Get your api key here https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started
  1. Add the movieAPI KEY in trailer file
  • Get your api key here http://www.omdbapi.com
  1. Run npm run serve to start the web application on localhost:8080

Some Observations about this project

This project is part of my personal portfolio, I’m trying improve my skills, so, I’ll be happy if you could provide me any feedback about the project.

You can report that could make me a better developer!

Email-me: ricardovasconcelos.dev@gmail.com

Connect with me at Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricardo-vasconcelos/

Also, you can use this Project as you wish!!

It’s free!

Download Details:

Author: ricardovasconcelos

Source Code: https://github.com/ricardovasconcelos/Vueflix

#vue #vuejs #javascript

A Simple Netflix Clone Built with Vuejs
17.65 GEEK