Laravel Vue js datatable example. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use vuejs-datatable package for displaying lists of data in laravel apps.
This laravel vue js datatable example create posts table. And add some dummy records in the database table. After that, display all posts using vuejs-datatable package and using axios get request in laravel apps.
This tutorial will demonstrate step by step to how to use vuejs-datatable package in laravel with display a list of data.
Follow the below steps and use laravel vuejs-dataTabel pakage in laravel vue js apps:
Step 1: Download Laravel Fresh App
Step 2: Add Database Detail
Step 3: Create Model And Migration
Step 4: NPM Configuration and Install Vue DataTable
Step 5: Add Routes
Step 6: Create Controller By Command
Step 7: Create Vue DataTable Component
Step 8: Create Blade Views And Initialize Vue DataTable Components
Step 9: Run Development Server
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