Looking to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile? Why not Make the Data Work for you?

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Photo by Adam Solomon on Unsplash


If you are a LinkedIn user, have you ever wondered about the segments of people in your network? If you are working to expand your connections in the data science world, do most of the people in your network work in a data science-related field?

How about your messages? Are they mostly positive and about the topics that are related to your interests?

As an active user on LinkedIn with more than 500 connections, I was curious about the statistics of people in my network as well as the messages I received over the last 2 years.

What is good about analyzing LinkedIn data? Well, if you are optimizing your LinkedIn profile for job opportunities, why not use available data as your tool?

In this article, I will combine visualization and natural language processing to analyze my network and messages. After this article, you should be able to analyze your own LinkedIn data and gain insights from it!


It didn’t take me too much effort to get the data because you can directly download it from LinkedIn. Here is how you can do it.

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Specifically, I imported the messages and connections data.

I’m going to be embedding the visualizations from each library using Datapane, which is a Python framework and API for publishing and sharing Python reports. If you want to leave a comment for any of my plot or table below, feel free to click “View full report” in the left corner to leave your comment, and I will get back to you!

Here are the notebooks for this article so you can follow along with the article and visualize your own data!

#data-analysis #sentiment-analysis #python #naturallanguageprocessing #data-science

Sentiment Analysis of LinkedIn Messages
9.00 GEEK