“Think about a world without Excel. That’s just impossible for me.” — Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft

Microsoft Excel, the global spreadsheet tool first released in 1985 for analysis of data in tabular form. It made the data and number analysis accessible to everyone. It does not only boosted ⚡️ productivity but also triggered a new way of thinking about business.

Yess! Today, I am going to tell you the story of Microsoft Excel. Through the story, I will walk you through the five Excel functions with interesting examples to speed-up your data analysis.

How about some takeaways ???

Yes! I am sharing some pro-tips to improve your productivity while using Excel. So keep an eye on this 📌 symbol through the story for pro-tips.

Over the past decade, we all observed a massive wave of innovative software for analysis and visualization of the data. Still, Microsoft Excel is a favorite tool for a regular professional. Especially for managers, it is the best tool to manage, manipulate, and visualize all kinds of data quickly without much extra effort.

Without wasting more time in the intro, let’s start with the Excel functions. I am using this Dummy_People dataset.

#data-analysis #excel #developer

5 Powerful Microsoft Excel Features for Data Analysis
30.45 GEEK