In this tutorial we are going to create a multicontainer application which will be running in docker containers. We will create both the development and production version of Docker files. 
Locally we will use a docker-compose file that will run the backend, front-end, postgres and nginx proxy. And you will be able to start the whole construction with one command.
For front-end we're going to use React, for backend we are going to use Node.Js
and we are going to use Postgres to store the data in the database.
We are going to use Nginx for 2 purposes, we will use it as a router in front-of our front-end and Node.js express server, and also we will use Nginx as a HTTP server which will serve our builded React front-end code.

00:00 - Intro
01:26 - Arcthitecture
02:15 - Setup project basics
03:25 - Creating the back-end Node.js application
09:12 - Creating the front-end React application
17:56 - Creating the dev env Docker files
20:18 - Creating the docker-compose file
27:15 - Creating the prod env Docker files - build images and push them to Docker hub
31:32 - Summary

You can find the final source code here: 


#docker #react 

Dockerizing a React application with Nodejs Postgres and NginX
39.80 GEEK