Dark mode gives users the power to control their own experience when using your site — giving them a better user experience. For this reason, you might be interested in adding a dark mode feature to your website. I’m going to take you through one possible way of adding a dark mode feature to your React site.

I’m starting with a new project created by running npx create-react-app my-app, but you can follow this tutorial with any existing React project.

To get a toggle-able dark mode feature throughout our entire project, we’re going to need to create a “global style”. Luckily, styled-component has a great helper function -createGlobalStyle — to easily handle global styling. Styled components are typically scoped automatically to a local CSS class, but using createGlobalStyle removes this limitation. To add styled-component to your project, run npm install styled-component

Now that we have styled-component installed and ready to use, let’s create our global style file. Create a new src>styles folder, and inside create a new file globalStyles.js. Inside the file, we want to use styled-component’s createGlobalStyle function, as well as define our constant colors for light vs dark theme. Defining a transition here will create a gradual linear change in background color when toggling between light and dark mode.

#dark-mode #javascript #reactjs #react

How to Add Dark Mode to Your React Project
13.45 GEEK