Nuxt Typescript PWA Tailwind CSS Composition API Starter

Nuxt Typescript PWA Tailwind CSS Composition API Starter

Nuxt.js + Typescript + PWA + Tailwind CSS + Composition API starter project

Please be aware that this starter project contains experimental composition API features that may subject unstable or changed in the future


Read this description in another languages:


This starter project includes official Nuxt.js modules:

It is also enriched with the best Vue’s UI framework:

and for the best typed experience, it also includes:


# install dependencies
$ yarn # Or npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev

# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start

# generate static project
$ yarn generate

# Run unit test
$ yarn test

# Run E2E test
$ yarn dev
$ yarn test:e2e

Sentry and Google Analytics

To activate Sentry and Google Analytics:

  1. Rename .env.example to .env
  2. Change your Sentry DSN and Google Analytics tracking identity config in .env file
  3. Uncomment the modules configuration code in nuxt.config.ts

More Information

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out the Nuxt.js and Tailwind CSS documentation.

Download Details:

Author: jefrydco


Source Code:

#vuejs #vue #javascript #nuxt

Nuxt Typescript PWA Tailwind CSS Composition API Starter
14.40 GEEK