The first UI Kits integrate Bootstrap 5 with Angular, React & Vue


Since the launch of the first alpha Bootstrap 5, in MDB we have set ourselves an ambitious task. Within half a year, build UI Kits using it in the three most popular technologies.

The situation in the world did not spoil us when we were receiving the latest information about the situation in the world we didn’t know which will bring a new day. Within a few months, our team underwent a total change that ultimately led us to what we can boast about today.

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Here they are, the first UI Kits that integrate Bootstrap 5 with Angular, React & Vue. We’re very hyped on this, our users also, which we can see how much interest the new packs are in the first days!

Free MDB 5 Angular

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➢ Latest Bootstrap 5 & Material Design 2.0
➢ Angular 11
➢ 500+ material UI components
➢ Super simple, 1 minute installation
➢ Detailed docs & multiple practical examples
➢ Huge and active community
➢ MIT license - free for personal & commercial use


Free MDB 5 React

This is image title

➢ Latest Bootstrap 5 & Material Design 2.0
➢ React 17
➢ 500+ material UI components
➢ Super simple, 1 minute installation
➢ Detailed docs & multiple practical examples
➢ Huge and active community
➢ MIT license - free for personal & commercial use


Free MDB 5 Vue

This is image title

➢ Latest Bootstrap 5 & Material Design 2.0
➢ Vue 3
➢ 500+ material UI components
➢ Super simple, 1 minute installation
➢ Detailed docs & multiple practical examples
➢ Huge and active community
➢ MIT license - free for personal & commercial use


The roadmap to our projects is well known and you can expect more important releases in the nearest future LEARN MORE

Let us know in the comments how you like it! Thanks for your support!

#bootstrap #angular #vue #react #web-development

The first UI Kits integrate Bootstrap 5 with Angular, React & Vue
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