A Demo App for Mountain Climbers, Developed with React Native

Climber Mate

A demo app for mountain climbers, developed with React Native framework.

Only UI and animation effects are implemented, the corresponding input verification and server api logic is not implemented.

Demo Preview

  1. Android Emulator(left), iOS Emulator(right)


Installation package and demo video recording

  1. Installation package:

    1. for Android:
      Password: jkyd
    2. for iPhone: None.
      Because the iOS real machine test needs to bind the developer account and provide the specific info of the target phone to install.
  2. Demo Video recording


yarn ios  # for ios
yarn android # for android

external libraries used

@react-native-community/blur for Background image Gaussian blur
react-native-circular-progress for circular progress bar

Download Details:

Author: terryatgithub

Source Code: https://github.com/terryatgithub/climber-mate-rn

#react #react-native #mobile-apps

A Demo App for Mountain Climbers, Developed with React Native
3.30 GEEK